man buffets

Tuesday I had a brief meltdown at work after having spent time getting papers together for the court appearance --guess it just got to me a bit. But my friend there at work is so supportive and talked me through it so I was able to go back to class until time to leave.

They wanted him to pay 45 extra a month on the back child support but he refused, wanting to pay only 20 more. So they gave him a continuance until May 24th when we will go before a judge. I didn't see him except for when I came out of meeting with the case worker. I just looked at him and went to sit down. End of story. It did sour my mood for the rest of the day but I have been fine the rest of the week.

Widower calls me every evening to chit chat and we will go out to dinner and a movie tonite. Navy guy actually called me Wednesday to see how the hearing went. I was happy that he showed some concern. I speak to him at least once a day also.

There have been construction/ road worker guys up and down my road for a couple weeks now. Yesterday there were about twenty there busy working away. Looked like a man buffet to me :D mrawr. Cept I'm only interested in the Caucasian ones nowadays. No more other culture dealy bobs for me, no sirreee. Been there done that, got the divorce.

The students are all squirrelly because Spring Break is near. I can't wait!


  1. I think it would sour my mood too. CJ xx

  2. Good luck with the man buffet!


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