k, things are a bit confusing right now.. first, another key broke on the fantabulous laptop purchased by my ex our last Christmas as a couple. now my shift key doesn't work. swell. that makes three keys down.

I've been a bit confused about things lately. too many men make julie a bit overwhelmed. thing is, this new one is taking up all my time and attention. he is 44, handsome, funny, seems to really like me and we have had so many dates in the past ten days, i have lost count. welp we will see. meanwhile, i have trouble shaking the idea that if he likes me, something must be wrong with him.

I've had to let widower slide. number one, he smokes, even though he said he didn't. number two, he has some serious health issues, number three, he is still mourning his wife---its only been since June, after all. and, he's a bit too old for me. 13 years is quite a leap. so far, he isn't taking it lyin down tho. wants to keep connected.

plus, i like navy seal bunches, but.... u know. so not sure what to do here.


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