emails, hit and runs, blah blah

To X:

If you could give some money to help cover your student loan payment that comes out of my checking account on the 8th, that would be nice. As my finances now stand, it will probably bounce. I have 135 dollars coming out every month for your student loans.

To Me:

I am sinking deeper every month, now that I have to pay child support again I won't be able to make that payment. I have mortgage to pay and utilities, for get credit cards and living expenses. I'm barely hanging on for the next few months to save up for a deposit for an apartment.

To X:

Sounds like you need to sell everything in that house and get rid of it. Rent a room somewhere. You don't need to be paying their mortgage now that they are gone.

After this email, X unexpectedly called daughter and asked HER to call me to say he wanted to pick Son up Friday night instead of Saturday as it has always been. Since I had a date Friday night and X won''t give his phone number to me or the children, I went ahead and made arrangements for my son to stay at my brother's house. Poor daughter had to go back and forth a few times until I told her to get out of the middle and make her dad do it. Next thing I know, there is a knock on my front door. Thinking it was my date, I opened the door only to see the sour face of X who DEMANDED that I go get son and bring him over immediately. He threatened if I didn't, Son wouldn't be welcome at his house again. It was a hit and run because he took off so fast when I was trying to tell him that I wasn't a mind reader, that he hadn't even given us a phone number, blah blah. "You Brother is NOT his father. I AM." umm yeah.

Now that I think of it, he was scared that he might run into Navy guy. No wonder he took off so fast.

To Me:

When I want your opinion, I will TELL it to you. And you can keep your SON from now on. You might as well change his last name while you're at it because I am through with you!

To X:

Okay, thanks for letting me know. Another suggestion: You need help. Get counseling, antidepressants, something. Not trying to be mean or rude, just concerned. Get help.

MEANWHILE: I am doing fine. Had a nice date with Widower Friday night, but Saturday and Sunday I was taking care of Navy guy whose back went out. Took him to the chiropractor yesterday and will again today.


  1. No can do, Sage. I can take him to small claims court and get up to 6000 back but other than that, if he chooses not to pay, I am responsible since I cosigned. :( Meanwhile, I might as well wait until I pay up o 6000 so I can get as much back as possible.


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