Getting away from life

Did I tell you Ex is leaving for China / Indonesia to meet his gf for the first time and then see his family--possibly get a job there. He is going to leave me with a shambles of a house to clean up, his children to take care of, and his credit card bill collectors to tell that he doesn't live there anymore. I think I will change the phone number.

I am not sure how I feel about all this. Maybe a bit scared of taking on the financial burdens with little hope of child support and no alimony. Going back into the same old house isnt my idea of fun either. Yet, I know that I can clean it up, repaint. I can do it.

The lawn in the back has reached mid calf already. Probably he will leave that for me also---just as well. Last year it took him all summer to get the lawn finished through ONE time. It's not a big lawn....

I dunno, maybe he has the right idea-- new place, new start. If I had the money, I'd give him some just to hurry him along even if it means he is leaving my son's life for an indefinite period. My son is really the one who will suffer but I will do my best to ease that for him.

Strange to think, but this is my best year for awhile. Seriously. Even though I have been going through some emotional turmoil, I average more good days than bad days. Some days, I feel so light and free, a feeling that I have rarely had in the past twenty years.


  1. I'm struck recently on how little we can depend on others for support - be it my wife of 15 years who has gradually withdrawn holding hands, hugging me, dislikes prolonged kisses, avoids sex, does not initiate sex, yawns during sex (yes thank you), refuses to accept oral sex, doesn't want to talk about it except to point out how I do not work hard enough or ... who cares ...

  2. so I respect you for your perseverance - kudos.

  3. Sex is a necessary part of marriage. It is not fair nor kind for one spouse to withhold affection or sex from a spouse for an extended period. It is emotional abuse. Check it out on the internet... google it. No one should have to live that way.

  4. thanks for the shoulder - do you need your lanw mowed - lol?

  5. I may need it mowed; we'll see when I move back in! :D

  6. An Australian entrepreneur has brought a whole new meaning to the phrase "waste paper" with an ingenious green scheme to make luxury stationery from wombat dung.

    Darren Simpson, a self-confessed "poo expert," has big plans for the square-shaped fecal deposits of a wombat named Nugget, whose waste is supposed to act as a territorial marker.

    "It's not your normal poo. It's not round or long -- it's actually little bricks and it's very, very fibrous," Simpson told AFP.

    "When you break it open, basically what you can see through it is plant matter. So they're a good little pulper."

    With the help of Nugget's keeper, Simpson harvests the animal's droppings and then boils them down to the fibres to make handmade paper -- the latest in his line of peculiarly Australian products.

    The wombat poo paper, which is made by combining the sterilised waste with cotton fibres, was launched in Tasmania state last month, and follows the success of Simpson's "roo poo" paper, made from kangaroo excrement.

    "People come into the business and can do a tour, and we use lots of recycled materials: cotton rag offcuts, cotton thread that we get from a towel factory, denim from jeans, apples," he said.

    "When we kept getting to the roo poo sample everyone kept asking us 'Can you make it from all these different other types of animals?' And the one that kept coming up was wombat poo. So we thought, well we better give this a go."

    Most of the local wildlife parks refused to take him seriously, but Simpson said he eventually found someone who was willing to supply the poo -- and then production began in earnest.

    "When they do their poo, they will do it on the highest rock and basically that's a mark of their territory," Simpson explained.

    "If you take it, they don't like that. They have to keep putting it back."

    The "speciality" product would have a greenish tinge in winter and yellow in summer, depending on Nugget's diet, and was designed for use in art, wedding invitations, as gift cards or bookmarks.

    Simpson said his company Creative Paper would soon begin work on a wombat poo line of photo albums, journals and writing paper.

    He said adhesive tape solved the one concern customers had when using his earthy stationery.

    "The only problem we ever had was that no one ever wanted to lick the envelope," he said.


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