sins of the father

I had a good day. Feeling better after a bit of a cold. Went to county clerk office to get a copy of divorce paper then off to SSA to get my new SS card. THEN tried to get a new driver's license but they are bein difficult.

Was having a great old time runnin around with my kids. Daughter thinks I am totally crazy coz I was acting silly (Happy actually). I said well, this is HAPPY MOM. You haven't seen her for awhile.

Later, son opened up a bit more about his visit with his father:

Turns out that X was doing to son what he always did to me carrying on at him, not letting him sleep until son got mad and upset then, X took him out to IHOP
just like he used to do to me--feed me or f@#k me. and that is when son told his dad not to talk bad about me and X said he would keep it to himself.
my poor baby is being harassed.
AND before son was dropped off, X made sure to give him a message for me:
He said I cannot drop him off for visitation just because I have plans
and he has diverted all my emails to spam and will not receive any from me.
he doesn't want to see me or be around me pfft whatever.
it's mutual. but still shouldn't he have to make ARRANGEMENTS to see his son?
Plus apparently he is now working and can only see his son on Sunday.
Well ya kno, I think he needs to make arrangements with me. I had son send his dad an email saying he cannot visit until his father contacts via email regarding visitation
guess I am going to call the lawyer tomorrow too regarding possible abuse. I HATE having to do that. I'd rather be able to just have a stinkin schedule. That's all.
X is just so frustrated coz he can't take it out on me.

Daughter offered to go along to protect her brother but dang she shouldnt have to do that either
guess I need to take son to a counselor.
I wonder if I can get the court to order anger management for X and or counseling.

Am I wrong? What should I do? I don't know what do do.


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