sex, dating, puppies, and birth control

Okay, so today I spent the afternoon and evening alone with the puppies, listening to little puppy grumbles about why they should not be in the kennel and why they should be allowed
to roam willy-nilly about the house. Frequent trips out to the front yard featured the male, Jasper, immediately who does his business, then happily follows me about. Oreo, the female jumps, runs, wrestles, explores and wanders off. Rarely does she do any business that I can see and FAILS to return when I call her. grr. I'm looking forward to son coming home tomorrow to share the burden of puppy rearing. I did enjoy a few times of puppy cuddle though --feeling Jasper settle in against my chest, his little puppy breath fanning against my skin, tiny grunts rumbling from his tummy. Even Oreo managed to settle down for a snuggle. Photos pending on the little darlings.

I did contact my PhD counselor/Psychologist friend and scheduled a time to meet her on Weds. Maybe she will help me get some of my thinking clear again.

Meanwhile, I've decided to focus more on second dates than firsts since I have started having a few of those. I blew off a possible first date this weekend-- just couldn't bring myself to finalize it. I do have a first date on Tuesday, that I am ambivelant about. Maybe when I feel better about myself I will venture forth again. Speaking of which, I need to start working on that. Suddenly, I reverted back to my hermit ways not wanting to see people or socialize.

So, need to start a new health regiman-- diet, exercise, pampering. Speaking of pampering, as soon as I get paid, I am going for a manicure and pedicure. I know that I probably shouldn't but I feel that I need to for my own self confidence.

Regarding my 18 yr old daughter with her first boyfriend who is 20... I did ask her if she needed to get on birth control pills. She flipped a bit and said I was a bad mom, that I should be discouraging her from sex, not encouraging it. lol. Hey better safe than sorry.


  1. Well females never do what their sposed to!!!

    lol@ daughter.


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