pardon me while I cry

Ya know, I preferred living with my mom. It was more of a partnership. Daughter is 18. Won't roll herself out of bed before 2 pm. Just expects me to run her to work whenever SHE is ready.
But I have to ask for every single bit of help around here-- she is too BUSY getting ready for work, or plans to do what I ask. Guess I need to get busy just before she decides she needs a ride somewhere. I'm gonna have to go on strike.

Guess that is typical of kids.

The mortgage company keeps calling me, seems the right hand doesn't know what the left is doing. I talk and talk to everyone who calls. gah.

Not feeling well today either--sore throat, groggy, a bit stuffy.

Mom gave me money for groceries, so that is good.

oh hey, I can't cry.. The guys are here to mow my lawn. YaY


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