Today is a GOOD day

I'm feeling better. He's gone for now.
I laid down the rules and seems like he listened for now.
It's going to be a shock for him--was a shock for him.
The one person in his whole life who loved him no matter what, who cared about him as a person no matter what has suddenly stopped being his friend.
(Oh, I still care about him and am concerned for his welfare. However, I need space to recover and this has to be the way until that happens. )
I know... I'm a softy.
Did I mention that I had even packed food for him to take? I KNOW! me = goober.
But he didn't take it. Guess that was coz he'd gotten a couple hundred off his daughter.
After Wednesday, I will be legally back to my maiden name and be single again.
I'm not as scared as I was.
Financially, I am a bit tho.
Of course, who knows what I may feel tomorrow.
But TODAY, TODAY is a good day.

Good thing about being single: I can set my drink down and know that it will still be there whenever I get back to it. YaY.


  1. It's a brave thing you're doing and so much more admirable than what your ex has obviously done. I look forward to reading more. It does help to vent your anger and frustrations to a bunch of strangers.

    CJ xx

  2. excellent.
    All you can do is to make every today as good as possible.

    Good luck!

  3. me = goober -----> You = make me laugh! I love it dear that your voice is still sounding stronger. You are on the mend I think. Long process yes, but you don't sound as down as posts before. I will be thinking of you when you change your name back and your long do you think it will be before you stop checking the "married" box?

    Stay strong girl.

  4. Well, you have another "virtual" friend to talk too! I love that you are starting a new chapter (or a new book?) in life.
    I love your poetry blog too! (I have it on one of my blog lists now!)
    Argh, now I must get ready for work, but I wanted to pop over and say hi!

  5. You sound like you're on the right path, and taking one day, one moment, one by one is all you can do. Just remember, what you feel today - you might not feel tomorrow - whether good or bad.


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