
What is he doing now?

Is everything okay?

Does she like him?

Does he like her?

Does he realize what he has done to his family?

Will he have enough money while he is there?

Has he contacted ANYONE to let them know he is okay?

Is he thinking of his children or of me at all?

Does he feel guilty?

When will this all be over?

What is going to happen to me?

How come I just can't be happy all the time instead of on some stupid rollercoaster of conflicting emotions?

Did I do the right thing?

Will my kids be okay?

Can anyone ever love me?

Will I ever love myself?

I have a multitude of questions but no answers.


  1. work on yourself and worry about your children. The rest will fall into place. Don't let HIM drain your energy anymore - if you don't get the leech off it just gets bigger and bigger!


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