New Improved

Last night:
Was so angry as previously mentioned, I couldn't think straight.  I took my frustrations out by pounding doors with my fists.  Made the anger go away, but I'm pretty sore now. 
Conclusion--pounding things really does release anger.  Son recommends pillows next time.  I concur. 
After that:
Sick with cold
Arms aching
Told by guy friend:  You are damaged goods. You need to fix up yourself, stand on your own, etc before you are ready for a new relationship.  Then maybe u will be marketable.  I think I forgot to tell him I am clinically depressed and occasionally lacking a desire to live.  He's a former Marine.  tells it like it is. 
Meltdown escalated.  Called my mom to come over. 
Meltdown subsided coz mom was coming. Guess I need to call her more often.
Had taken Nyquil for cold so she was out there with son.
She gave X a talking to when he got back.
He came in woke me up and was talking to me.  I don't remember much. Something about he wants me to be okay. He's sorry. We are gonna be bff's forever. pfft. 
Son came in for hugs. poor baby has been witness to all of this.  I need to get him some counseling. 

friend (former marine guy) called to check on me. awww nice.  He gave me stern lecture on how to get X out of my life.  #1 get key to my house back #2 set ground rules #3 don't mess with me

Meanwhile since I was doing this before the call here it is. X downloaded pictures from his trip on this computer.  So I decided to share a picture with u. 


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