geraniums, bathroom doors, and contentedness

I planted my geraniums. They smell terrible but are pretty flowers.
Everything about divorce recovery says that I should be content to be single before I can get back in a relationship. pffft. dunno about that.
Maybe I will try to think of one good thing about it every day. Here goes:
One good thing about being single is that I am not having to arrange my time around another adult's. I can wake up when I want to, clean house when I feel like it, stop and take a break whenever---there is no one to please but myself.
There, how's that for starters?
My son needed toilet paper just now. When I went to give it to him---his little hand stuck through the door, I remembered when he was a baby. He used to lie outside the bathroom door and stick his baby fingers under it when I was in there. Babies and toddlers really just want to be where mom is or have ready access to her. A locked door is almost intolerable for them. I miss my babies sometimes.
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