Serenity is a whore

It's hard to describe how I have been feeling lately. I've been serene with occasional lapses into anxiety. In the past five days, I have heard him suggest that I take him back. I disputed this once and ignored it twice. He is not using the proper context nor attitude for such a suggestion to warrant the slightest consideration.

Next time I head toward marriage with a man it is going to be clear that I am valuable to him, that I am worth every effort that it takes to be with, that he will respect me for all aspects of who I am, and I will not make due with any less than what I need. I am not going to be hooked with great sex, lots of money, security, etc alone. The next time I marry, it's going to be for keeps. Therefore, I refuse to be rushed into anything. I am worth waiting for.

Oh, btw, if you are in a loveless marriage and need a human to talk to, I am not that person. I highly recommend professional counseling--individual and as a couple.

Meanwhile, I will be moving back into the house as soon as he moves out.


  1. just back to catch up..... spring is way to busy in my world!


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