25 random things about me

If you get this you are supposed to do it yourself, blah blah something something.

1. I hate tagging people because it might annoy them
2. I might tag them with this anyway just to get even with them for tagging me.
3. I didn't mind reading theirs, so hopefully they will read mine. I just had to protest for the sake of protesting.
4. Sometimes I protest things even when I like them i.e. hugs
5. Just like my sister, I can be the life of the party when I am not being too anti-social to attend.
6. Recently, I am feeling better than I have for ten years
7. Sometimes I have a phantom gallbladder pain from the empty spot in my abdomen which is probably just my imagination.
8. Once, I coated my husband's car door handles in peanut butter when he wasn't speaking to me.
9. If I get really angry, I can YELL very loudly reminiscent of my father's roar.
10. I don't get that angry very often
11. When I was in 5th grade, I beat up boys who got on my nerves; I was a very grumpy 5th grader.
12. I used to write a column for the school's section of the town newspaper called "Aunt Julie's Dating Tips"
13. I was going to put a big ole pepper in a mason jar of cloudy liquid, label it "My gallbladder" and bring it to school to freak my students out with. Didn't work out.
14. My laptop is missing the "L" and "/" buttons. But I can press the spot where they used to be
15. I am reorganizing my life, doing things differently, and looking for new things to do.
16. Twenty-five is a very large number of random things to say.
17. I speak, read and write Indonesian
18. I once saw Kenny Rogers at the Hard Rock Cafe in Jakarta eating alone.
19. I always thought I was switched at birth and in the wrong family.
20. The last bite of the candy bar is the most important
21. I played French Horn for 8 years in school and played for the Minnesota Youth Orchestra at one time
22. When I get grossed out, sometimes I do my heeby jeeby dance--I did that watching American Idol last nite when this snake-like man licked his chin. eww *shudder*
23. I am the only person in my family with blue eyes
24. If you start quoting numbers, statistics and rules to me, my eyes will glaze over.
25. I want a PhD but can't figure out what to be when I grow up.


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