Bad Dream
I just woke up from a bad dream this morning. I dreamed that I was in a new house with my soon-to-be ex-husband. Technically, it wasn't him, but I would recognize him anywhere! He was following me around, bugging me, not letting me get away from him--pounding on doors, getting too close, tugging at me basically harassing me as he did for so many years when we would have a fight---often late at night until the wee hours. As I said before, during our twenty year marriage,it used to happen once every so many months but toward the end was happening 2 or 3 nights a week. The only way to stop him was to get hysterical. Then, he would put me to bed and likely leave me alone. Anything less than hysterical would mean that he would bug me bug me bug me trying to "make up" basically forcing me to have sex. If I didn't, it would usually go on into the early hours of the morning. Worst part, was that toward the end I was recovering from a serious case of anemia, was depresse...