April showers

I've had a couple disturbing dreams lately. One, my son and I were in a public place and got separated. No matter how I tried, I couldn't find him. Plus, I had a couple about my X. Just realistic enough to be disturbing.

My life lately is a bit out of sorts. I've taken on a new friend who has needed a lot of help in terms of finances, food, transportation, etc. It's a bit more than I bargained for, but when you find someone in a bad situation, I believe it's important to try to help if possible. "Give till it hurts" yup kinda hurts. I have allowed him to stay at the house until it goes into foreclosure.

He's an Iraq War veteran who is physically disabled with shrapnel in his back and PTSD. This caused him to gain a couple hundred more pounds than he might weigh otherwise. The weight, his snuff habit, penchant for Diet Mt. Dew, and using food as comfort--combined with the prescribed large doses of pain killers, muscle relaxants, and ibuprofen are killing him slowly. Of course, he doesn't see it that way, but I do.

My opinion is that there are things that he can't help, but there are other things within his control that if changed, would improve his quality of life drastically.. But he needs to decide that he wants to live--to really live.

Ya can't fix people and ya really can't save them from themselves. This I know. So, I'm his friend.

My daughter has decided to spend the summer in Indonesia with her relatives (my X in-laws). Wish she wasn't going to, but she is an adult now. They all love her, so I'm sure they will take care of her....

My son is doing better now. Things are more stable since he doesn't go to his father's every weekend. Instead, his dad takes him out for a couple of hours once in awhile. A short visit, they get along, everyone's happy. I guess.

I haven't been dating much at all lately---mostly not at all. Guess my personal life has been busy. However, I did go out for a movie the other night with a man. That was nice :)


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