
Son to father:
Sent: Fri, November 20, 2009 12:28:26 PM
Subject: Re: Come over
Father to son:
I always want to see you,.. don't you ever say that. In case your mother is reading this email,... tell her its up to you and her if you want to see me,.. not me. I have no say at all,... she want to punish you by not letting you see me then its her problem. But I will not deal with her regarding making arrangements to when I can or can not see you. She can't control me any more. SO come over when she says yes and don't come over when she says no.
I will not beg her just to see you. I really miss you soooooo much but my hands are tied. When you are 18, she has no control over you and we can have some real fun together. So come over anytime.
My first instinct is to turn it back on me. What is wrong with me? How could I have been such an idiot for so long, blah blah melt into a little puddle of self pity, hurt, hysteria. Not anymore. I have control over how I respond to things and I choose to ignore this emotionally. I am not letting him manipulate my emotions or feelings anymore. I'm an adult and i am responsible for my own actions, reactions, etc. Let him choose to be a victim if he likes. I am not gonna be.
I am so proud of you!!! Keep up the great attitude and keeping your control of the the situation, controlling your own emotions and not letting him play you. I know it is hard to step back and do that sometimes when you did it for so long, but I am really proud of you for doing it. Don't ever let yourself be his victim again. Keep that chin up. Put a smile on that beautiful face and be strong...for you =) hugs