dingbat me

I've been laid low for going on two weeks now, but I hope the end is near. The doc put me on antibiotics, so apparently I have had THREE things going on, one of which is an infection. It's my second day on them, so hoping that the rest will resolve quickly!

Son is still struggling to "get with the program" in 7th grade. I'm trying to focus on the positives and not freak out over the edge-of-the-cliff grades. Just found out he had a book report due yesterday.....

Son called me Friday night saying he wanted to come home coz his dad's didn't have electricity and that he would pick him up again Saturday. Then again on Sunday morning, I had to go rescue him from a grumpy, grumpy father. X has been living at his parent's house (they abandoned everything and went back to Indonesia) without paying mortgage since last April/May. Basically, letting it go into foreclosure. So now, down to the wire, he is freaking out because MAYBE there are still things he can sell out of it and of course, he has no one to help him clean or whatever.

So what did I do? Yeah, dingbat me offered to help, telling son that "family helps family". So despite my physical pain and discomfort, I spent an hour and a half filling trash bags. Actually, I enjoyed the throwing my X mother-in-laws stuff away part. I was supposed to get the dishwasher and dining table out of it, but in the end, just didn't care enough to bother--what with the pain and all. I got a few pillows, some corning ware and miscellaneous sundries out of it, so not a total loss I guess. Did I get a thank you? No. But X did offer to stick medicine up my butt.... Yeah I said NO to that. My momma didn't raise no fool!!!! (debatable, I kno)


  1. so hoping you feel better very soon. No fun hurting all the time. You are too nice sometimes, ya know. Glad you got something out of it even if it was not much, and no thank yous. He is really gonna miss you someday. I am glad you are not with him anymore! Hugs to ya hon...

  2. Thanks Tamra! He did hug me and say he missed me, but geeez, what's not to miss? Sex when ya want it, someone else to worry about his bills, his house, his kids, his food.... lol.


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