Navy guy, meet X; X meet Navy guy

X knocked on my door Tuesday evening unexpectedly. Navy guy was lying on the couch still recovering from back problems. X wanted his stuff back that he had given -- vacuum, bp monitor and the guitar he'd given to son to learn on. Feeling mischievous, I said sure, come on in. Navy guy, meet X; X meet Navy guy. X didn't have much to say. I made him get his own guitar back from his son. Let him do his own dirty work. Set the vacuum on the front step then closed and locked the door again.

An email from me to X:

I know you don't want my opinion, but I cannot help but try.

  • Do you realize that what you did yesterday, the way you treated your son was exactly like your father treats you?
  • You didn't say Hi to him, just demanded your guitar back.
  • When he brought you your bp monitor, instead of thanking him you demanded the bag.
  • You disown him every time you turn around-- sometimes even going so far as to tell him so.
  • You stand over him screaming and threatening him with a belt over three dishes in the sink -- after you havent even seen him in THREE weeks because you left for China without telling your children.
  • Would it make you feel better if your son cried and begged for you to be a father to him?
  • Are you going to ignore him if you see him in Walmart and just walk the other way?
  • Is it going to turn out where if he sees you going into Walmart that he is going to drive to a different store to avoid having to come face to face with you as you did your parents?
  • Is he going to be spending the rest of his life looking for a father figure as you have had to do?
Get some help. For your own sake.


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