Happy to be home

Even though it's been awhile since my last post, I have thought about you. Really, I have.

I just returned from a trip up North with my mom, my uncle who is visiting from England, and my kiddos. Was a long drive - 12 hours up to Iowa to see Gma's and Gpa's graves after a rousing game of find the grave. It's a tradition. We never remember where we planted them in that big ole cemetery, so have to branch out and look. Then, on to Minnesota the next morning. The weather up there was nice and cool compared to where I am.

There, we stayed with my 78 yr old aunt, fifty something former marine cousin, their four indoor dogs and 2 cats. They are heavy smokers, so it took some getting used to. First, I felt ill but that passed. I bathed little coz what was the point? I was just gonna smell like smoke again. After several days of that, I am now addicted to second hand smoke and have to wear a nicotine patch.

Just kiddin.

I grew up in Wabasha, Minnesota --1973 to 1982 anyway-- and have so many great memories that go with small town living. Life was different there, so we pretty much ran all over town literally with no fear or cares. Welp, maybe a bit of fear from being grabbed by a budding pedophile when I was on my way to the beach in 2nd grade. Thankfully, he was inexperienced and grabbed me right there on main st. where the older sister of a classmate rescued me. Still, I have lots of funny stories to tell. It was a great childhood.

On Saturday, after a family reunion in Menomonie, Wisconsin, I went to stay with my oldest and dearest friend in Rochester. We had a great time reminicing, laughing, talking, cooking, etc. I made her Thai Basil Chicken that was delicious with rice, accompanied by fresh melon blueberry salad seasoned with fresh cilantro and rasberry green tea garnished with lemon and mint. She has a garden with fresh herbs which are delicious!

My yard was just mowed and I am happy happy to be home.


  1. Tell me about the smoke thing. My fil smoked like chimney and I had to put up with it for 6 years in almost every room of the house. I hated the smell of smoke in my hair, on my clothes, on the bathroom towels. Now the old bugger leaves his calling card when he "visits" !!

    CJ xx


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