from daughter to father

Dad, what is your problem.
Are you REALLY going to wait till your son is 18 to see him again?
I AM 18 AND I DONT UNDERSTAND WHAT IS GOING THROUGH YOUR HEAD. To me it looks like your just too prideful to arrange seeing your son. That is very wrong. You need to get over it. This is getting ridiculous. Why am I (the CHILD) having to act like the mature ADULT while you guys act like a bunch of CHILDREN! I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS! Your SON needs his FATHER. You really have NO IDEA how hard this is on me and especially on M. Atleast I'm old enough to leave and forget all of this crap, but he is still young. He NEEDS a father figure. I want you to lay down your pride and be a man. DO THE RIGHT THING. Think about your son's future. Constantly telling him all the terrible things about his mother is not good for him. It only makes matters worse. He needs you to love an nuture him, to teach him right from wrong, and you need to be a good example to him.
Dad.. You really need to think about this. Me and M love you with all of our hearts. Are you really going to completely shut us out of your life over a petty arguement?
Just thinking about not having you in our lives hurts so much. I really just want everyone to be happpy again... Please just think about it.
Love so very very much,


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