Blue Teary Monday
Today has been a blue Monday for me. Not sure what is up with that but I have been teary off and on all day for the past few days. I have gone the gamut of feelings --- wanting to cry, scream, fall in a soggy heap of tears, lie down and never wake up, wanting my husband back, etc. Thankfully each interlude is brief but connected with a sense of being down in the dumps. Hopefully, it's just hormones and I will get over it soon!
MMMkay, trying to think of some positive things here :
MMMkay, trying to think of some positive things here :
- My lawn got mowed. That always makes me pretty happy.
- It's raining, sort of, so it's a bit cooler.
- Son came home happy from his visit with his father.
- He has been doing a great job helping with cleaning up puppy messes, even if he has to run gagging to the bathroom in between!
- I get paid tomorrow.
- I stood up for myself at the bank. The lady didn't want to give me my new box of checks because the account was overdrawn twenty dollars. WHY? because the check order pushed it over a few cents and they tacked on a twenty plus overdraft fee. I refused to budge because of that, PLUS, my paycheck is already there, just won't be available till tomorrow morning. So I very calmly stood there while the lady tried to tell me I'd have to come back tomorrow and asked to see a supervisor. Within a few minutes she came back, gave me my checks and they WAIVED the overdraft fee.
As well you SHOULD feel better! Stick to what's right and that WASN'T right.