My Swing broke.

Slight problem with my mood swing. I was enjoying the euphoria of previous post content when I fell off the swing into the chilly waters of reality. Oh yes.

Okay basically I forgot his HUGE issues with cleaning, organizing, sorting through things. I was very optimistic that just this once he would be able to!!!! not.Oh well so the place is a mess. A HUGE HONKIN DUNNO WHERE TO START mess. Every room, plus yard, refrigerator and garage. YaY me.

So, anyhoo, I have been busy trying to tackle this after moving way more things than i thought I had or ever really wanted back from mom's where I have been staying for seven months. I couldn't get it all, so will have to go back today.

Emotionally, I am doing surprisingly well. So, maybe my swing didn't totally break. YaY me.


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