What does it feel like to be HAPPY?

Sometimes lately, I just don't want to sleep.
I'll be there, exhausted, but just won't.
What is the point of going to bed now that he isn't there?

Part of what drew me to him was his physical affection--I desperately needed that.
I had good parents, just not a lot of hugs, etc.

Okay now here is a serious question. Please leave me your comment--you can do it as "anonymous" because the option is there.

What does it feel like to be happy?
How do you know when ur feeling it?


  1. It seems like the only way I know I am happy right now (in this stage of my life) is when someone asks "How are you" and I don't know. I always know if I am NOT good. So, if someone asks "how are you" if you can't immediately answer - awful, then maybe for a little while you are o.k.


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