sex addiction, big boobs, cell phone stashing.

Tonite I went to a class on rebuilding life after divorce. Not as fun as last night, but I suppose it's good for me. I can see that my nights can be filled up pretty quickly if I like. The female co-leader invited me to her 12 step group on Tuesday nights---she feels that maybe hubby may have an addiction of sorts, based on what I shared ( I marvel at the idea that wives can refuse to have sex with their husbands!??) I wasn't ever able to do that without all hell breaking loose.

Side note: I have an addiction to buying nightgowns, pajamas, etc. I wasn't allowed to wear them during my marriage. What was the point,he just made me take them off. lol.

Okay, so... so far I have Wednesday night "Thrive" group, Thursday night Rebuilding Life group and Tuesday, 12 step thingy group. Sunday morning Financial Peace University and church in there somewhere. That is more social activity than I have had in the past 20 years!!! Possibly in my whole life! Oddly enough, for the first time, I actually WANT to go somewhere and do something. hmmm.

On a totally random sidenote: One advantage of having big boobs... there is always a perfect place to stash stuff. I was driving, using my cell, and looking at a text message while rushing to the class tonite. I stuffed my cell down my cleavage for easy access should the need arise, aaaaand forgot it there. yeah.

So I am sitting in a circle of people who I have never met and suddenly realize that my phone is between my large breasts. I debated whether to reach down and pull it out or use the book as a cover to reach in and pull it out but it seemed to hard to be subtle. (Disadvantage of large boobs: cannot be subtle! I learned that the hard way trying to breastfeed in public). Upside, it wasnt noticeable so I had to leave it there until after. Got out to the car and as I am driving away, I start rummaging thru my purse for my glasses, forget what I am looking for and think I am looking for the phone which is conveniently stashed between my boobs.

Yeah .


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