Is this what happy feels like?

My Sunday:
  1. woke up at five am.
  2. didn't feel like breakfast
  3. put on new outfit -- giddyup!
  4. went to pick up daughter
  5. ruffled son's sleepy feathers--he's mah baby.
  6. peeked into hubby's room--looked like a dresser threw up all over the floor. Gosh HATE it when that happens. LOVE it that I don't have to care.
  7. went to Financial Peace class with daughter
  8. took daughter out to eat and had a nice talk with her
  9. took daughter home had EXsex. OOPS I did it again. I am SO Britney
  10. went shopping and bought CLOTHES. ohmigosh, this is scary... britney's music is SPEAKING to me today. That might be a bad sign!
I was driving home yesterday after an hour or so of just shopping for ME, just ME --clothes to get me goin on a change of lifestyle. It was a beautiful, beautiful day. The wind was blowing through my open car windows, caressing my hair. I had the stereo on, listening to tunez and happy with my purchases. I felt peaceful and FREE. No one to answer to but to myself and to GOD. It was a good day. I thought to myself, is THIS what happy feels like?


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