No one Wants to Hear about the BIG mistake

  From the article "6 Things Not to Share Unless You're SURE You Won't Break Up" ---- This one, I identify the most with: 

 "Your cutesy relationship/lifestyle blog. We've all read 'em. Those mommy blogs full of pictures of happy, smiley, attractive, usually Mormon families who seem to live in homes that could only exist on Pinterest and who always, ALWAYS seem to have perfect marriages to handsome husbands who wear bowties a lot. These women literally make a living showing you how to lead a good life. Seems like a pretty sweet gig, right? But before you go sign up for your Blogspot account, you gotta be REALLY sure about your relationship because can you even imagine having to explain to the thousands of strangers who you have let into your life that, oops! Harold actually got a wandering eye at a bowtie convention and now our life is in shambles. Let's leave the public relationship humiliation to the celebrities, okay? "


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