Yesterday, I found out something that should be a deal breaker---something that endangers my family, my way of life, my security, my marriage. Trust is such a fragile thing that I have been working to develop; starting from scratch on that one again. Either way it goes looks to be difficult, unpleasant, possible catastrophic on a personal, emotional, financial, social level. I'm trying to move past it hoping that it will never happen again. He promised. again. Marriage is a conspiracy of two. I cannot tell anyone about it because family, friends, coworkers might think less of him. There are two people I might be able to tell, but one.... well read on.

Today, I feel like I've lost my steady footing. A dear friend whom I love has lied to me, moved on, something. I cannot blame him, but feel like I've lost him. Truth be told, he hasn't been there for me for over a year when I desperately needed him. I still need his support and advice. Sad that might be gone forever-- especially considering my issues with trust.

Last week, I found out that Navy is going blind and will probably lose sight completely in a year. That shook me up. He's really on my heart and in my prayers.

Meanwhile, I'm working on something positive to say here. I'll see what I can do.


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