I got married

I haven't updated since two minutes ago---but before that, I haven't updated for MONTHS. A lot has happened.

I got married again.

I eloped for the second time in my life. This time however, I actually told about five people -- my mom, children, best friend, my work mentor, and the secretary at work. Okay, that makes SIX people.

Oddly enough, eloping the second time is more difficult. SO many more people who are interested, shocked and apparently, would have liked to know. I went to work the next day -- "Oh by the way, I got married yesterday". Umm, yeah. Things hit the fan. Even now, 3 months later, some people are shocked to find out. OH WELL. That's how I roll ;p

Yup. I'm married. I love him, enjoy his company, but his issues still exist. Thus far, he's been patient with my poking and prodding him to cut down on this and that. We'll see how that works out. Meanwhile, his son who has mild retardation has come to live with us. His mother hasn't been taking care of him properly; we aim to do better. Unfortunately, he is as big as Joe and needs to be monitored when it comes to food as well. Just call me the food Nazi :/

It's hard work being married. Wish me luck!


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