Don't let your stupid fall out

I wrote this in 2007 but it is applicable still!

Sometimes, we don't need to know everything. There is something to be said for choosing to remain ignorant of details. Often, it is listening to those details recited by coworkers, friends, family that causes us to get worked up and stressed out.

Also, not knowing details helps keep us from gossiping which is like starting a wildfire. Spreading those juicy details is what gets people all riled up. It's back to my new favorite concept of keeping my mouth shut so the stupid doesn't fall out and cause problems for other people.

Proverbs 10:19 says that when words are many, sin is not absent and points out that he who holds his tongue is wise. Elsewhere in Proverbs, it says that even a fool who hold his tongue may appear wise.....I figure that would be an excellent plan for me!
March 1, 2007 at 5:33pm


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