why do I have to be the adult?

I sent this to my son's father--I'm not sure why I bother. All I can think of is that if I can prevent a huge gaping hole in my son's heart/soul/psyche, it would be preferable to his desperately trying to fix it later:

You have barely seen your son this summer. What is wrong with you? Every child deserves to feel loved by a parent. Do you think he feels loved by you? Words are one thing, but actions are another. Doesn't matter how much we tell him we love him if we don't ACT like we do.

Can't you at least send him messages or emails? Just make your time with him happy times, a few hours a week. Why is that so hard? Instead, he gets to remember that his father was practically next door and made little to no effort to see him. You are scarring your son for life.

This is a golden opportunity to be a loving father---to show your son what it feels like to be LOVED by his dad ,that no matter what he does, you will always LOVE him. Did you feel that from your father? It would be a TRAGEDY if he spends his life looking for the father that you refused to be.

You may not be perfect, but you are his father and he loves you. He hides his feelings and acts like it doesn't bother him, but how can it not? You act like you don't even have a son.

He is the child. You are the adult and must make the effort. Being a FATHER is more than just biology---you of all people should know that.


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