wanna get get get

Fred (the drunk texter ) has texted me at least ten times and called me 2 or 3 times, none of which I have answered. I like Fred, but have gotten off that roller coaster. Sux.

Spent the first days of my summer sick with a cold--hate it when that happens!

Woke up today wondering what to do with myself. Cleaned, vacuumed, opened the blinds to let the sunshine in. Kinda feel like I need to get out, do something, take a up a hobby, drive until the map turns blue. RESTLESS.

My friend Joe is wanting me to be his girlfriend. I've already told you about the issues there...

I need to get myself to a lawyer soon, to finish off the details of foreclosure etc. My sister left me with a bunch of bills from when she stayed in the house. Really makes it hard on me....

Would like to get some flowers for my patio, but hope to travel. If I did, the flowers would be dead anyway. SO, am refraining.

Renewed my lease for the apartment until November. Hope I did the right thing there.

I want to get out, get moving, get going, get busy.


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