I can't answer that

Another text from Fred yesterday: "Are you ignoring me?"
Well gee, I can't answer that because I'm ignoring you!

The problem is that if I answer, that will be a round of texts which I'm trying to avoid having with him. When my resolve weakens, I just remember how many times he's made me feel like an idiot, or made me cry---that helps. Plus, I always delete right away, so I don't have his number.

Trying to get over a boyfriend? Delete, delete, delete. Don't keep him on your contact list, buddy list, Facebook, or friend list. If you don't see him/her you won't be tempted to reach out again. It hurts, but it's the best way I know how. Unfortunately, I've had to do it a few times.

I've put some items on Craigslist from the house, hoping to get enough money to pay off the utility bills left by my sister. Yesterday, the mortgage company got a hold of me and suggested I try to get it listed for a short sale. I guess that might be something to try.


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