dating? I'm not sure
Okay. Welp, remember the date I had two weeks ago?
The guy was "different" to put it mildly. Kind of like "Rain Man" different.
I gave him a second chance and that went a bit better, but he was assuming too much too soon and making me feel uncomfortable. So, I let him down easy. He said "okay" things were fine. No problem.
Next thing I know, I get an email from him asking me if I am okay (??) Apparently, he was concerned because he had broken up with me and wondered if I was okay. umm . I ignored that because it freaked me OUT. Then a few days later, I get an Instant Message, so I blocked him.
Monday, I got a text---a wrong number text(what the Hay?) asking if he could have my address in GHANA so he could send me the items that could not be emailed and that he :LOVED ME DEEPLY> Okay, so apparently, he is being scammed by one of those scammers. I wanted to reply and warn him, but I'm concerned that this might be a ploy to get me to respond.... Let me know if you want to warn him for me and I will send you his email....
I was contacted my another gentleman who wanted to meet me ASAP. However, he kept talking about physical stuff (i.e.) sex etc. I told him I wasn't interested and blocked him too.
Gee whiz.
this is why I quit dating! lol lots of "good" ones out there huh? =(