Men--past and present

Been a hectic, busy, tiring, good, stressful and curious Thanksgiving break.
I'm pretty much moved into my new place-- but MEGA cleaning and sorting to do at the house yet.
Thanksgiving Day, Navy came to my mom's house for lunch :)) AND he stayed quite awhile, which was pretty nice.
Yesterday, Fred came and helped me move the rest of my furniture, my washer and hooked it up, etc. That was so sweet of him. So yeah, these two men seem to be in and out of my day to day life.

X came by the new place and aggravated me. Asked for a favor, threatened, accused, threatened, whined, blah blah. THEN he tried to force a hug on me with an apology! pfft can you believe him? I stepped away, held up a hand and said NO! No hug. Apology accepted, whatever.

Good thing was Fred was there when he came. When I was done with the conversation, I just walked away and into Fred's arms. He petted my hair. Nice. Even nicer was that X had to see it as he drove away. lol. whatever.

I'm loving my new apartment.


  1. Yay! Glad you love your apartment! glad you didn't give into the X! I am glad you have men in your life to help you. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! =)


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