
So, did ya miss me?

Things have been interesting, to say the least.

Been busy with my new guy--FredDbear. Enjoyed spending lots of quality time the past three weekends but this weekend am likely to suffer withdrawal. It's kinda feels iffy to me yet, which is why I have refrained from commenting too much.

Things are awesome when we are together, but he lives over an hour away. Anyhoo, I'll put that to the side for now.

I've been laid low this week by two very uncomfortable ailments. Each one on it's own is miserable, but when combined. OH MY GOSH> :( Bright side, I am feeling a bit better today.

My X is a jerk... been over a month since I received anything at all from him. Last time was less than half a payment. Meanwhile, thank GOD for family. My mom has been keeping us in groceries and my car tank full. I've been able to pay for the basics for the most part, so that is good. Somethings gonna have to give tho.

I went up North to MN last weekend to see my dying aunt. Saw my best forever friend too. Was a nice visit but used up all my personal/sick days at work. :/

This weekend, I plan on hanging in my bedroom watching TV, playing on my computer, and napping. I should grade essays too. I need to.... I really have to.... We'll see.


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