waiting for Fall

I'm glad it's the weekend, but it tends to be the loneliest time for me---too much time to think, too much time by myself. Meanwhile, I'm going to use this time to clean up my house. If all else feels like a wild stampede of cattle toward the cliff, keeping my house in order helps me feel like SOMETHING is good. lol.

I've already told Son that he cannot go to Houston with his father. There are several reasons for this: I don't trust my X; he doesn't pay anything toward Son's school; Son would miss 3-4 days of school and I would be stuck with the headache of trying to help him catch up; X will not communicate with me, answer my calls or emails which only pertain to issues with his Son anyway ; and so far have yet to receive child support this month.

Not gonna send my child off with someone who hates me, wants to hurt me, and refuses to communicate regarding child issues. That makes sense, right?

I realized the other day that from my gross monthly pay, I am netting just barely half in take home pay!!!!????? So, temporarily, I'm stopping my 401k contributions. Not much, but it is grocery money. I really want to be able to make it regardless of whether or not child support comes in.

I'm eagerly awaiting cooler weather so that I can resume painting the exterior of my house. Gotta get that done and by myself, it's slow going! Today, I need to see if I can untangle grass from the reel mower and work on the lil front yard I have.... maybe give the dogs a bath.

So far, school is going well. I've been working the students hard and myself harder. Might have to ease up on us a bit! lol.


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