this n that n what not

Welp, school has started and there goes my summer. It was an odd one--not what I hoped for, but guess it was sufficient.
The temperatures here have been in the 100's now for a couple weeks--my car said it was 115 the other day. Certainly felt like it too! I've been staying indoors as much as humanly possible. I am still following my man diet pretty closely. There were new guys I could have followed up on, but just couldn't bring myself to do so. Prolly, I'm just tired of the dating wheel. I dunno.
Haven't heard much from Navy unless I text or call him first---He's busy enjoying his new vehicle and was busy being a biker this weekend. He stopped by a bit ago to return some money he borrowed and not a moment too soon! I have been soooo stinkin broke n mom has been paying for all kinds of things for me. Makes me feel bad :(
My sliding door is going to need to be replaced. I do have one in the garage that can be installed ---need to find someone who knows how to do that. sigh.
Welp, guess that's all for now! smooches.
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