looking toward Fall

I had a mostly a good day yesterday-- got up early, used my old fashioned reel mower to mow the front yard (hard work---like carpet sweeping the yard) then trimmed it. The back yard calls for a real REAL lawn mower.

Speaking of which, I'd been talking to son that maybe X would give me the lawnmower back since he is letting his parents house go into foreclosure and moving into an apartment. So, yesterday, Son called me saying his dad wanted the HD TV converter box. I asked, "What will he give me?" Son passed that message along and I heard him in the background< "Give her the lawnmower, Dad. You don't need the lawn mower, why don't you give her the lawnmower?" To which his dad said he'd think about it.

So, I went over to Navy's and got the converter from him since he wasn't using it. But when I called Son to see about bringing it to them, he said his dad decided to SELL the lawnmower. That upset me. He was just being hateful and evil. Why was I surprised? It sent me into a tailspin for the rest of the evening--I alternated between wanting to smash/break things or die.

I just took something to help me sleep and went to bed early. If I broke anything around the house, it would just hurt me not him anyway and the other same deal.

Anyhoo, most of the day I was with my daughter which was nice. We went to the mall to look at a computer she wanted, out to lunch, to my bro's house, then to her dad's to get her stuff out of the house before it gets taken. X looked like he'd been sucking on lemons. Glad I don't have to see that face every day!

Apparently, Navy had another episode of anaphalaxis (allergic reaction- severe) on Friday. He managed to catch it early enough so he didn't have to go to hospital, went to his Dr. instead. Now, he has to have an epi-pen with him always just in case and temporarily cannot take any of his medications for diabetes (not good). I never told you, but after his first episode that almost killed him, he developed something called allodynia. Basically, any touch on his skin feels like fingernails ripping at his flesh. So yeah, no good. That makes showers, clothing, friendly pats on the arm, hugs, etc pretty much miserable. There is no treatment really for that condition. sux big time.

On a lighter note, I'm looking forward to cooler weather. I think I'll be more productive around my house. Speaking of which, I'm gonna go get busy!
huggles to you all. smooch.


  1. Glad you had a good time with your daughter! You are lucky to have that man out of your house. He doesn't sound like a nice guy at all. You don't need crap like that on a daily basis. Be thankful you don't have to have him there anymore. I am very proud of you for figuring out how to make it on your own. I know it is not easy, but you are making it, girl!! Keep that chin up and that beautiful smile on your face!! love and hugs to you

  2. Nope, he's not very nice lately. Thanks Tam!


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