I got nuthin

  • Another quiet weekend spent alone.
  • I'm recovering from a cold, so Nyquil is currently my best friend.
  • My sliding door is totally falling apart and I don't know what I 'm going to do. I need a handy man who works for free.
  • Things are tight financially as I try not to rely on child support---never knowing if or when I am going to get it is exhausting, but not having it means that there really isn't room in my budget for food....
  • I know I should cancel my internet and cable, but then what will I do during my weekend since I am now on a man diet? Anyhoo, if child support doesn't come thru, it will be shut off soon enough.
  • Sallie Mae wants money for X's student loans and if I don't pay something by the end of the month, it won't be good. Meanwhile, I've got my own that I'm trying to get deferred, medical bills to pay, blah blah---all things that are also not in the budget.
  • X wants to take Son to Houston in Sept. for a couple days to meet up with my X sis-in-law from Indonesia who will be there. I'm not sure how I feel about that.
  • Okay Okay, I'm looking for a bright side here.... lemme think. 1) Son has been getting up well for school so far. 2) I got nuthin. sorry!
Maybe when I get over this cold, I'll feel better.


  1. I am sorry you are not feeling good, hon. I am sorry it feels like everything is falling apart. Take one day at a time...do what you can. Hugs


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