this and that

Postponed my road trip so that I can drive Navy to work and pick him up in the mornings. Been rainin crazily here every day and couldn't stand the thought of him riding his bike in the pouring way to or from work.

His medicines are so so so expensive. One of his diabetic pens is going to cost 900 for a month supply---after insurance he says. Hard to believe. Things are difficult for him dealing with all the medical issues, costs, medicines, finances right now.

Mom gave me money to give to him for groceries and when I gave it to him, he said "when was the last time she had her butt paddled?" THAT was a strange mental picture. Meanwhile, he was pretty happy to get food in his cupboards -- I know coz I followed his tattooed hairy self around the store while he shopped.

I went to the Dr. yesterday for blood work and filling prescriptions. Talked to her about the fact I've been weaning off of my antidepressant, which has gone very well so far as I can see.

The other day nothing went well---setting up a silly pool in the back yard for my son--FAIL, painting what I could reach and frustrated because: I have no one to help me reach, the siding comes off on the roller --thats how old it is, I have no man to help me, the refrigerator water filter needs replacing, hose isn't working again, dogs need bathing and my shower thingy is stuck... okay I will stop there, but trust me---the list goes on .

That lasted all the way up until late night; nothing working, nothing going my way. I cried for about two seconds, bewailing my single status but that was it. Just went to sleep and things were better the next day. PROGRESS as promised. (Yeah, I know I didn't promise, but see those signs around town on the construction.....)

It's summer. I dream of long sexy, wet kisses on a Saturday night by moonlight. Those are the best. Wish I had someone to hold hands with, have slow mornings with, take short trips, cop feels, laugh with and enjoy company of.

Dunno why it's so hard for me to sleep in the house alone. It's not like my 12 yr old son is any protection but I feel better having him in the next room I guess. (He's gone up North with my Mom ---I'm goin up later this week)

When I was taking him to Mom's he accidentally let Jasper out thru the front. Jasper thinks its great fun to prance about avoiding being caught. Son was chasing him all about the cul-de-sac with my yelling "GET THAT DOG" the whole while. "GET HIM GET THAT DOG!" Jasper then thought it would be swell to go across the street to harass a woman walking her dogs, darting in and out teasing them yet avoiding gettin his head bit off. Still, I'm yelling across the neighborhood "GET him!!! Grab him!!!" yeah, so obviously that wasn't working. SO, I left my car running in the cul-de-sac and went to try to help him. FYI trying to catch Jasper is like trying to catch a greased pig. Everytime u just barely touch him, he darts away. Uber annoying. Between running around trying to catch Jasper, yelling for Son to get him, apologizing to the lady.... yeah. I ended up stomping back to the car telling Son to get him or Jasper is goin to the pound.

Jasper decided he'd had enough fun and followed us back to the cul-de-sac. sigh.

In the past two weeks, Jasper has chewed up and or eaten/partially eaten: a comb, bionicles (son's lego thingys) pencil, miscellaneous papers and cardboard, sock, and some things I cannot mention here.

Cookie was whining at my door around 2:30 this morning--when I went to let her outside, she took one look at the pouring rain and went back to her corner. lol.

Welp, time for some bfast. hugz to u all.


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