tall drinkable Texans

Hello campers! Things have been interesting around here--- was in the dumps last weekend but back up again this one. That ole roller coaster gets pretty tedious, as you well know.
Back to more important things: men

Yeah so guess I'm not as down on men at the moment. I had a date on Thursday evening with a tall former U of Texas football player who drives a Hummer, has a fancy job, ranch, condo, blah blah so he said. He WAS a tall drink of water tho and attractive. Possibly too attractive and fancy shmancy for the likes of me. We had a nice meal with pleasant conversation-- shook hands and went our separate ways. I figured it was my typical first-last date deal.

At 1:30 am, I got a text asking me if I was ready to "get naked" and a few other choice things. I declined and he asked for a second date. I asked for clarification regarding what exactly he was asking for, and he made it clear that he wanted sex, wondering if I was "in". I said no thanks, he said, "next week?" Anyhoo, when I made it clear--- Thanks but no thanks, he got rude. how shocking lol.

Saturday morning, took Navy to pick up his Harley and went out on a lunch date with a new potential suitor---which was QUITE pleasant. When I checked my phone a bit later, there were texts and voice mails from Navy who was waiting for me I guess and texts from new guy whom i kicked to the curb. Guess I failed to mention it to him. lol.

Happy Mother's Day, people.


  1. Sounds like you had the right amount of schmancy to me!

  2. have I told you that ur a sexy beast, sage? love ur recent pics. mrawrr


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