super secret stealthy spy operations 'n superwoman is back

Had a busy, tiring day at school yesterday---for some reason I saved a very important unit on research and using sources correctly for the very last thing of the year :/ It's as hard on me as it is on them lol harder than I'd like to be working this late in the school year, that's for sure.

SO, Navy spent Saturday afternoon/evening and most of Sunday with me this past weekend. I love having him around so much, I dunno why. Just being around him makes me feel calm and content-- I'm like a lil puppy dog following him happily around. He got called away Sunday afternoon on motorcycle club business and when I stopped by Monday morning to bring some important things back to him, he wasn't home yet.

Turns out that he'd spent the nite at a "friends" which I immediately understood to be a female. I got off the phone and kept putting it out of my mind, along with getting ready to smite Navy out of my life, listing all the valid reasons for doing so even though I knew he wasn't likely messing around with that "friend".

Lo and behold, he showed up at my door an hour or so later to pick up his stuff. I think he knew I might be unhappy with where he was. I was pleasant and polite to him. (After all, 'snot like I'm being exclusive nor have we even discussed it at all--he knows I go out on dates). He kind of stumbled around 'whewww, what a night" loud yawns, etc. possibly waiting for some reaction on my part. When I failed to question him or comment, he chose to explain that "boss" asked him to go guard one of the friends of the club who was being harassed by her soon-to-be X and that it was now "Timex's" turn to watch her. Yeah, so smiting postponed.

Yesterday after school, I had a brief episode of feeling overwhelmed, understaffed, and underfunded--- frustration at lack of child support blah blah.

cried for a couple hours, had to go get Navy's wallet from his apt and bring it to him at work, crying all the while... I do it so often feels like that I barely let my tears bother me---just go about my business meanwhile crying all the time. Anyhoo, got home arranged for a super stealth secret spy operation with baby bro who is gonna find out where X works for me so I can report him. shhh, don't tell a soul! unstopped my kitchen drain and bathtub --guess I'd been waiting for a husband to do that. Welp did it myself. Son did his homework without my having to stand over him so life feels good again and I am back to being superwoman.

K, my new beau... He's a good kisser. I like him :) maybe I'll keep him. for awhile. who knows.

previous new guy is still around too. Gonna have to get a nickname for him especially if I get new guys. That would be confusing.


  1. Lol, be careful. The "candystore syndrome" can be addictive.

  2. yeah, maybe. Or, maybe it takes more than one to keep me out of trouble?


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