it only takes one

Went out to movie and dinner with a guy friend Friday night.
Saturday picked up Navy from work and drove him home, went to graduation, then spent the rest of a long day at home.

Slept in today and had a dream just before I woke up.

I was being attacked by people in an apartment----I was screaming for my X to help me remembered then was screaming for Navy who should have been around somewhere but was getting ready for work. I kept doing that ---alternating between X, remembering, then screaming for Navy. ---managed to make it to the door and was trying to get out and screaming for someone to help me realizing that Navy was gone already, and the bystanders just looked. Finally a man came to help me and got me out of there, but I couldn't see his face.

I don't need lots of men, just one who will be there for me. Forever. or at least another twenty years.


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