hawt for teacher????

Okay the funniest thing happened. I told you that widower was not going down gracefully. He sent me texts back and forth which made things awkward until I got him to accept the fact that we weren't going anywhere. Since I knew that our relationship wasn't gonna progress, combined with the fact that he is still in the middle of the grieving process etc I told him it was best we not see each other. If I thought he could accept just being friends and not get hurt more than he already is, that would be a different story...

SO just as I thought that was settled, I got a call from his younger friend called Roach---a 35 year old strapping young lad who is a drunk father of several children by several different women, the most recent child is a month or so.

Anyhoo, he called to ask me why I broke up with his friend the widower and ended up hitting on me !!!! Apparently, I am not hideous and the fact that I am a teacher is uber hot to his intoxicated brain! LOL. In very colorfully descriptive graphic language, he informed me that he knows what I want, need and was bound determined to come straight over to give it to me in a very athletic, aerobic fashion. LOL. He DEMANDED that I give him my address, especially when I told him that I am not interested in what he has to offer (supposedly he has never been turned down....) Upon my refusal to give up my address, he declared that he would get it from widower and be right over. Yipes.

About that point, I was imagining having to call the police at midnite and how that would look to the rest of the cul de sac--- some drunken young stud pounding on my front door declaring my uber hotness to the world at large and demanding that I bend over..... LOL.


He didn't come over, thankfully but did call two more times. I'd blocked his number but can still see if he calls. So, two times that night and SEVEN times the next!!!!! Hhat the Weck???? Yeah so then I was trying to decide... call widower and ask him to have his friend back off, file a restraining order, etc. Navy guy was no help since he found it all hilarious and declared that was the price I had to pay for being such a hawtie. pffft I did detect a note of sarcasm :/

Thankfully, my would-be-stud / stalker finally gave up. Good thing since I'm pretty sure no one who has seen me would believe me capable of inspiring such umm, errr. lust or passion. whatever.


  1. Well being Hawt is sometimes such a burden I have learned!



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