screw him.

Welp, good news is, I'm okay.

Saturday nite, had an "episode" which kept me up crying until 3 am.
Sunday, was pretty peaceful--just me and the doggies only interrupted by taking daughter to work and a brief date with a nice man. I probably won't see him again, but that's okay. It got me out of the house. Had a date last weekend too with a different man who I will likely never see again. But that was a nice time too.

Yes, I am dating again. I have mixed feelings about it, but there it is.

Haven't had my meds for three days until tonite, so was feeling the strain. Son informed me that his father was starting a new job which translates to no child support until DHS figures out that he is no longer employed at one place and has found him at new place. :/ So that starts running thru my brain.

Added to that, I start thinking about his stupid student loans that he has made no effort to pay on but am stuck with coz I cosigned. Fine.

Was gonna drop Son off with his dad since I have to go get that ultra sound of my heart early in the morning, but one look at his lemon sucking sour expression led Son (me too) to realize that would be a miserable nite for him. So Son is at my brother's playing with his cousins and will go to school with them in the morning.

Was chilling in bed when doorbell rang at 8 pm--- I got served! New experience for me. It was for a medical bill I haven't paid yet. less than two hundred. So yeah, gonna pay it NOW. asap.

Okay so yeah, I have goals and priorities. I'm gonna pay off my medical bills, dental bills, fix my house, DO STUFF. It doesn't matter that I'm stuck paying his stuff too. It doesn't matter that I might be the only one caring for his son. I can do it. I can take care of business> AND I'm going to do it well.

screw him.


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