Okay, BF hasn't called, texted, or emailed since Sunday. From texting and calling several times a day to nothing. This is serious business.

In fact I'm afraid it's rapidly approaching irrepairable if it's not there already. This is the first time I've been walked away from. A new experience. pfft BOOO>

So I am starting to be angry, hurt, indignant. Not that I will tell this to him, mind you. That's what ya'll are here for, rite? :)

Now that things have settled with X, I have to say this hurts. Not gonna lie. it hurts. Gonna have to smite him. Cept that's hard to do with his jeep in my driveway, harley in my garage


  1. What am I supposed to say? He's the one that left. It's been three days now. Calling him was what started this. I wouldnt know what to say at this point :(

  2. Frankly, I'd say "when are you getting your stuff?"

    He left once, he'll do it again. Let this one go.

  3. Sigh.... I hate it when people will not commmmunicate. You are imagining all kinds of things he is thinking and probably visa versa. Then again he may have been runover by a bus for all you know. You need to talk! Get it out in the open! Of course it will all come to a head when he comes to pick up his "stuff", but by then it will be too late. I agree with Guest. You have a legitimate reason to call and find out what is going on and if he has had it, when he is going to pick up his "stuff". I don't agree with the statement that he would do it again.

  4. lol okay fine. I'll call to see if he got hit by a bus. But I have a date for Friday.


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