let the smiting begin

He wasn't hit by a bus and isn't dead.
My olive branch ignored.

The smiting process has begun.

Delete off home phone contact list. check.
Delete call record. check.
Delete from yahoo messenger. check.
Delete from yahoo contacts. check.
Delete from cell phone. check. (I cried.)

To do list:

Get his broken car out of my driveway.
Request Harley be removed from the garage.
Get my house key back.
Delete all emails, voice and text messages.
Stop thinking about him.
Let heart and feelings heal.


  1. it'll get better. Change locks if he doesnt give ur key back.

    Good luck, hope it gets better soon.

  2. I am sorry it didn't work for you. It will get better, hon. Hang in there...the right guy will be there for you when the time is right. hugs

  3. Change the lock, regardless of the key. He could always make a copy without you knowing.


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