hmm, where to begin? Friday night, I spent chilling out with son. Saturday, BF was busy working on his friend's motorcycle again so I saw him for only a few minutes at night.
X stopped by after his work to pick up some papers and brought me a sandwich. Oddly enough, he barely put the sandwich down before he tried to jump my bones. lol. yipes.
The 2009 Biker Toy run was here in town so BF was busy doing that all day on Sunday and his car was in my driveway which caused X to get a bit belligerent. I did speak to him briefly on the phone and managed to calm him down. geez.
Daughter was supposed to stay with her Dad there at his parents, but Gpa was being very cranky and difficult---not nice to her so I had to pick her up. Poor thing was crying and upset.
Had a nice family bday party for my sis in law, bro in law, and two nieces on Sunday. That was a nice time---I have all my siblings and mother here in town so we combine bday parties and have a group one every couple months. While we were there, my brother cut Son's hair for him and got it a bit too short. Basically a crew cut. Son locked himself in the bathroom and refused to come out. When I finally got him home, he cried for two hours straight. The next day, it took me thirty minutes to get him out the door, ten minutes to get him out of the car at school, and twenty minutes to get him to stay at the principal's office or go to class. Stressful.
I am busy trying to get my grades and grading done for the end of the semester on Friday. After that, I am off until January 4th. YaY
Other than that, I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with Son's schoolwork, grades, attitude, discipline, the house, the bills, dogs, gahhhhhh. sigh. I'm gonna survive though! Pray for me :)
i am with you. overwhelmed, to the max. hang in there :)