cuddles for free

I was looking at Lori's blog this morning. It is so peaceful and relaxing. What a great life she leads! Take a moment to check it out

Still no word from BF--- and NO I am not going to call him. Once, I chased a man who I should have let go and was married to him for twenty years. Look how that turned out. Nope, I need a man who can suck it up and do what needs to be done. It might even be nice for someone to pursue ME for one stinkin once! Flowers, hearts, love, affection, I DESERVE those things. I was putting all the effort into making him happy and I am tired of things being one sided. Am I really just a puppy who is going to be happy following its master around for the occasional cuddle? (Yes. but that's beside the point!) :D I'm trying to do things differently this time. Shheez. help me out would ya :)


  1. Sounds to me like it's time to change how you describe this fellow. Is it time to refer to him as the ex boyfriend?

    Do as you wish. Were I in that situation I'd pack his stuff and make it clear to him that it goes on the curb in one week. If he wants it, he should come get it. If he doesn't want it, the garbage men or random folks from the neighborhood can claim it as they will.

    It's time to be strong Jaybee. It's time to rise up and proclaim that you are the guarantor of your future, your happiness and your self esteem. Nobody but you can control the things you do. Take charge and make your life into what you want it to be. If you wait for others, it is unlikely they'll get the job done on your time frame or in a manner consistent with what you want.


  2. Thanks, TAG. I know you are right. I'll try.

  3. Thanks, TAG. I know you are right. I'll try.


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