It's been an interesting few days.

I've made the decision not to communicate with X thru the children and not to receive any communication from him via them. I'm hoping to be able to get them out of the middle once and for all. That did mean Son didn't get to go to his dad's this weekend which he found disappointing.

However, it's too risky to send Son there as this situation is because of the emotional/verbal abuse, because of the risk of possibly taking him, etc.

I've reached out to him repeatedly via phone and email but he has chosen not to respond. Therefore, I feel that I have done my part to support reasonable visitation. now all he has to do is choose to be reasonable as well.

Saturday morning, I had a talk with bf. Again, this is kind of new territory for me. He was talking about making me happy and I was sharing my concerns about whether I am making him happy. We both agreed we are. However, I asked him if he thought our relationship was going anywhere-- if it might become permanent some day. Unfortunately, his response was a bit too slow for my taste. Turns out, he isn't interested in doing that tomorrow, next week, and probably not in a years time but possibly some day.

I was not impressed. In fact, I wanted to tell him to leave. On the other hand, I have no business thinking about a permanent relationship either right now. I guess. So, not sure what I am gonna do about this. Either just accept it for whatever we have or break up with him and find someone else.


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